EPISODE 101: Marketer of the Month Podcast with Samuel Thimothy
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Hey there! Welcome to the Marketer Of The Month blog!
We recently interviewed Samuel Thimothy for our monthly podcast – ‘Marketer of the Month’! We had some amazing insightful conversations with Samuel and here’s what we discussed about –
1. Focusing on acquisition for fast growth
2. Shifting to retention in an established market
3. Importance of establishing smart realistic goals that are realistic & considering resource availability
4. Implementing a technology foundation & tracking key performance indicators
5. Why diversification is important for businesses
6. Business in the age of AI-disrupting industries
About our host:
Dr. Saksham Sharda is the Chief Information Officer at Outgrow.co He specializes in data collection, analysis, filtering, and transfer by the means of widgets and applets. Interactive, cultural, and trending widgets designed by him have been featured on TrendHunter, Alibaba, ProductHunt, New York Marketing Association, FactoryBerlin, Digimarcon Silicon Valley, and at The European Affiliate Summit.
About our guest:
Samuel Thimothy is an experienced expert in online marketing and sales, with a passion for helping businesses achieve growth through effective marketing strategies. As Chief Growth Officer for OneIMS and co-founder of Clickx, he has a wealth of knowledge to share. Samuel also hosts Coffee with Closers, a show where he interviews successful entrepreneurs and business leaders.
Navigating Fast Growth and Established Markets – Acquisitions, Retention, and Diversification in the Age of AI
The Intro!
Saksham Sharda: Hi everyone! Welcome to another episode of Outgrows Marketer of the Month. I’m your host, Dr. Saksham Sharda. I’m the creative director at Outgrow.co. And for this month, we are going to interview Samuel Thimothy, who is the Chief Growth Officer at OneIMS. Thanks for joining us, Samuel.
Samuel Thimothy: Hey, appreciate you having me.
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The Rapid Fire Round!
Saksham Sharda: So Samuel, we are going to start with a rapid-fire round just to break the ice. You get three passes. In case you don’t want to answer the question, you can just say pass. But try to keep your answers to one word or one sentence only. Okay?
Samuel Thimothy: Sure.
Saksham Sharda: Alright. So the first one is, at what age do you want to retire?
Samuel Thimothy: I’ll say 50.
Saksham Sharda: How long does it take you to get ready in the mornings?
Samuel Thimothy: 30 minutes.
Saksham Sharda: The most embarrassing moment of your life.
Samuel Thimothy: Oh man, I can’t think of one. I don’t know. I’ll pass.
Saksham Sharda: Favorite color?
Samuel Thimothy: Blue.
Saksham Sharda: What time of day are you most inspired?
Samuel Thimothy: Mornings.
Saksham Sharda: How many hours of sleep can you survive on?
Samuel Thimothy: You know, now that I’m getting older my doctor told me I need eight hours. So, I need eight hours.
Saksham Sharda: Fill in the blank. An upcoming marketing trend is __________.
Samuel Thimothy: I’m sure most people are probably talking about AI, artificial intelligence.
Saksham Sharda: The city in which the best kiss of your life happened?
Samuel Thimothy: Chicago.
Saksham Sharda: Pick one. Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey?
Samuel Thimothy: Neither.
Saksham Sharda: So that’s a pass then. The biggest mistake of your career?
Samuel Thimothy: I think not starting our business earlier.
Saksham Sharda: How do you relax?
Samuel Thimothy: Exercise.
Saksham Sharda: How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?
Samuel Thimothy: I cut it down to two now.
Saksham Sharda: A habit of yours that you hate?
Samuel Thimothy: Overthinking everything.
Saksham Sharda: The most valuable skill you’ve learned in life?
Samuel Thimothy: Read a lot more.
Saksham Sharda: And the last one is your favorite Netflix show?
Samuel Thimothy: I don’t watch a lot of TV shows.
Saksham Sharda: Okay. That’s three passes. You technically passed all of them, so, alright.
The Big Questions!
Saksham Sharda: Okay. So let’s go onto the bigger questions. The first one is, what is the growth formula framework that you have developed? And can you elaborate on that more?
Samuel Thimothy: Yeah, most certainly. So it’s very simple. It’s a very simple math equation. If anybody knows how to add it, they can learn it, right? Acquisition plus retention equals growth. But I think to simply put it if you think about, you know, levers that you have to pull to grow a company, there are only two things you need to worry about. How do we acquire customers and how do you retain customers? I was recently listening to an interview by Marco Burch, a former CR of HubSpot. He was talking about the early days of HubSpot, this is probably way back into like early two thousand. He was like the seventh hire or something at HubSpot, and he said in the early days of HubSpot, HubSpot’s churn rate was 10% per month. So he said if someone starts with HubSpot in January, by October 99 to hundred percent of those customers never stayed around, right? So I think what companies don’t understand is if you are good at acquiring customers, but you do a poor job of retaining and expanding those accounts, you’re not growing, right? But if you do a really good job of servicing customers, but you do a poor job of acquiring customers, then you’re not growing either. So what we’ve come to see as a pattern in all the customers that we’ve tried to help over the years is, was that you have to have a very good systematic way to acquire customers consistently in a predictable way. And then you also need a system in place to nurture and grow those accounts over time. And then they continue to reproduce themselves. So if you do that well, you are growing as a company. So that’s the equation that we try to teach and implement for our customers.
Saksham Sharda: And so where is the correct balance here? Or Is there?
Samuel Thimothy: Yeah, exactly. Well, I think it depends on the stage of the company, right? So if you’re at a fast growth stage, you certainly need to be more on the acquisition front, really focused on growing. But you also need to be seeing what are some of the things that stick to keep the customers stick around, right? So if you’re in an established market where a company’s much more mature, you already have a very large book of business, then you can shift your focus to the retention and growth of those accounts. I think there comes a point where your addressable market is, you know, shrinking and you’re probably one of the largest players in that space, then you kind of own that space, right? So then it is gonna be an equal balance of, you know, where do you invest? But yeah, I think you, you can’t have one or the other. You have to have both.
Saksham Sharda: So how do you approach even setting and achieving growth targets for the sales and marketing function in the first place?
Samuel Thimothy: So if you think about, you know, even when we do this when we implement this growth formula framework within our companies, we take them through a very systematic process. And the first order of that process is building a growth blueprint. Even within that, we kind of have, what we call our 5G process discovery challenge and define a goal, develop a strategy, and then deploy the campaign and deliver results. So, defining goals is a very important part of the overall overarching process of, you know, achieving your goals, right? So I think as a business you need, to have smart goals. You know, as founders we’re all crazy and have big ambitious goals, and we’re very optimistic about what the future can be like, right? So it’s crazy to just say, oh yeah, we want to hit, you know, 10 million, 20 million, whatever those things are. And you can probably have a mathematical equation to show how you can achieve it with several opportunities and deals and whatnot, right? But then you have to make sure that those are smart goals. You know, are we gonna be able to fund that growth with the resources that we have? Do we have the resources to support that you know, those opportunities? So all of these need to be thought through before you can start executing it. But overall, I would say you need to have smart goals that you need to establish before you just jump in and say, “Hey, yeah, let’s go run with it and, and see how we deal. ”
Saksham Sharda: So how many goals are we looking at, say, for like an early-stage startup?
Samuel Thimothy: I think the early-stage startup companies most likely are probably revenue numbers in the number of logos achieved, right? That’s what they’re, you know measure of success. But I also think they have to also think about, what are, you know, like basically the product market fit and how well is our product being adapted by customers, right? I think in the early days of HubSpot it kind of came up with the whole cheese score, which was the customer happiness index. So every organization needs to have some other KPI not just revenue you know, growth but there’s some other measure of success that should be measured in terms of how is the company a product being adopted. Or how is our service empowering or benefiting the customers that we serve? So there have to be a couple of key metrics that you measure to make sure that you’re hitting those targets.
Saksham Sharda: And so what are your thoughts then on the impact of marketing automation in B2B, and how do you think businesses can leverage this wave of automation to increase their profits?
Samuel Thimothy: Yeah, so I think, you know, when we talked about the acquisition plus retention equals growth we definitely, the number one thing we help implement in the organization is some sort of a technology foundation that tracks all the key performance indicators, right? Because at the end of the day, if you try to automate things before you actually know what you need to automate, you’re gonna run into a lot of issues, right? Because I know we’ve used Outgrow with many of our clients, implementing Outgrow as an engagement tool. Sometimes we have prospects that are coming to our website, spending a lot of time on whatever the prospect’s website is, our client’s websites, sorry, right? And then if we don’t have tools that can engage that visitor and then get ’em into some sort of conversion, right? And that visitor just abandoned that site, right? Like, if you look at it, the average conversion rate on a good website is about 2%. So about 98% of the people that come to your website don’t convert. So you have to have tools in place that actually can measure how your website visitors are behaving. Then you have to have tools that can convert those visitors into some sort of a form fill, right? And that’s where tools like Outgrow might come into play. And then once they convert, the goal is how do you segment those people? So if you don’t have a system in place to properly segment your audience into you know, prospects that maybe, you know, they may have converted on some sort of an ebook or webinar or more of a sales-ready conversion forms and being able to segment them based on other metrics other details, right? So using maybe some sort of a third-party tool to enhance the data of all those people who are converted by company size, job functions, and title, and industry location, whatever, all those revenue sizes, all of those things, and be able to segment them. And then based on the job function, you need to make sure that you are nurturing those people on a multichannel, right? Omnichannel model. So you have to have the technology to automate some of those things. So marketing automation just happened to be one of them. But again, we won’t recommend clients jump into automation before you get a good picture of where they are. So you need some foundational technology and tools that can enable better visibility into who is on your website, how are they interacting with your website, and whether or not are we creating them, are we creating frictions or creating the opportunity to convert into some sort of a form fill so we can actually at least to recognize who they are.
Saksham Sharda: So what are some of these third-party data enhancement tools that you would recommend to our audience?
Samuel Thimothy: Yeah, I mean, there’s, clearbit is probably one of them that we’ve used a lot with our customers because a lot of times when we look at our clients when we get ’em in as a customer, you know, they have, you know, 15 fields that they ask and three-part forms, like, you know, where’s your headquarters? Look at how many employees you have and what’s your job function. And all of these things that they ask. And we’re like, you’re trying to get somebody to book a software demo. You’re asking way too many things upfront, right? You’re creating friction. How can you just ask bare minimum information so you have a form fill? And then why can’t we use leverage third-party data, to enhance who they are, right? Because if you have their corporate email address and a domain address, that’s more than sufficient to get a lot of the additional information that you need. And if you look at tools like HubSpot, it automatically appends a lot of information to that company size, using some of the public data, right? The company size, the revenue, the headcount the address, the main phone number, and sometimes even appends, the LinkedIn URL. And then if you need additional data, you can use ZoomInfo and you can enrich the data, or you can use Clearbit, or there are so many tools that are coming in that can tap into your marketing automat tool to enhance the goal is to increase conversions, right? Because if you think about we talked about the acquisition side of the equation, right? On the acquisition from when you think about it, right? For, any business or service that you’re in, right? You have let’s say a hundred companies use the total adjustable market. There’s only about 1 to 3% of the adjustable market in an in-market buying stage, right? They’re acting in a market, in a buying stage. So about 97% of the people are not even in a buying cycle. So you have to be doing everything you can. So that one to three people that are actively seeking to find you, and then when they find you don’t make their lives harder, right? Make it easy for them to become a prospect or become a lead. And then you gotta figure out how do you nurture them and build that relationship? And don’t be spamming them, but you have to provide value. And that’s essentially where, again, not to keep plugging tools like Outgrow, you have to have tools that they can come back to. Like, are you creating resources on your site, whether it be ROI calculators or other sorts of resources that are go-to tools that your prospective customers can use, to maybe measure ROI, maybe do some other sort of calculations or metrics, and whatnot? And then they’ll find you as a resource, and then they keep coming back and then leverage your website and tools. And then you are also the one that is setting the buying criteria for that company to solve whatever the business challenges that they have, right? Ultimately, that leads to them becoming a customer over time. So I think there’s a lot of things like that, that we recommend our customers to use to enhance the data or improve the overall user experience for your customers when they’re on your site.
Saksham Sharda: So in all this, how do you stay up to date with the latest digital marketing trends and incorporate them into your strategy or the strategy of your customers?
Samuel Thimothy: That’s the hardest part, man. This is an industry that’s rapidly changing. I think, you know, we’ve been at it for 17 years. I think things are changing much more rapidly in the last 17 months than what has happened in the last 17 years. So it’s a constant research mode, right? Always Google something and find what’s happening in the industry and then also follow some subject matter experts in the space. And then, doing everything you can to make sure that you’re trying to experiment with the tools and technology you always have to be constantly trying and trying new things and not be afraid of it. So there’s no one source of truth that I would say, ha. That’s where I get all my information. It’s a lot of tech blogs. And then also just these technology and platforms that we’re trying to adopt. You know, seeing all those industries interrupt, disruptor, in reading those blogs, and then figuring out how do we apply some of those into our, our business or into our clients’ businesses.
Saksham Sharda: And how do you also ensure that your company’s core product offerings are aligned with the overall strategic decision of the organization?
Samuel Thimothy: That’s also a constant battle as the marketing and tech industry has in continuously evolved and grown and become more complicated. Our product offering became super complicated as well, right? When we talk about helping a company, just the MarTech tools alone, I remember that MarTech list. If anybody who’s listening to this show probably knows the MarTech chart, I think early days when that list came out, there were probably 300 companies on the MarTech chart. Now, I think it’s in the upwards of 5,000 or so. So it gets really complicated in terms of staying up to date and knowing what those tools and things are. But essentially our goal is to constantly iterate and evolve and, and get better at it each day. And then picking one or two things that we know are gonna stay here, to stay, and then trying to apply some business principles and marketing principles and leveraging some of those tools and technology in our overarching efforts.
Saksham Sharda: So what are some of the tools you think are here to stay despite AI and whatnot entering the field?
Samuel Thimothy: I think foundational tools, right? Like you, there’s always gonna be some sort of hype. But what I see is like, let’s say you know, you’re gonna need a CR regardless, you have to have a centralized source of truth for all things about your customers. Whether that’s a marketing foundational tool or a sales foundational tool, you need to have that. The next thing would be like, how do you make your internal resources more productive? So what sort of tools can you provide that gives them quick insights on you know, making decisions, right? Whether it be making them more efficient in their efforts or, giving them more insights on taking action on whatever that is. So, you know, like if 15 years ago, you know, you probably heard the concept of big data. Everybody was talking about big data, but the problem with big data is there’s so much data, but you don’t know what to do with it, right? But the problem today is, what we need help with is not collecting data, but how do I make decisions based on the data that I already have? I have thousands of people on my website every day. What am I doing with that information? What pages are they coming to? Where are they? How do they even find me in the first place? And where are they going and where do they find the most friction? How come they’re leaving my site? Why aren’t they staying longer than, you know, 60 seconds or a minute and a half? Right? Like, and also if I’m getting conversions, which channels drive me the most conversions? And how do I make sure that I’m gonna spend most of my energy there? So if I’m on a podcast like this, I can spend days on podcasts, but if it doesn’t produce me ROI, well, why should I spend energy there? But if I know that my you know, my inbound leads have volume has gone up, my branded search has gone up, but it’s a, I can’t pinpoint to specific use cases or specific tactics, but I could know that, hey, I’ve been on seven podcasts in the last seven months. But all of those podcasts have given me a lot of brand exposure. People are starting to search my company name by name, and arriving on my side and converting because they’ve heard something that I said, or what I’ve explained, made sense to them, but they converted. And then if you say, Hey, all, all our conversion comes from direct traffic, so never spend any dollars on, you know content writing or never send any dollars on Google ads or whatever, right? So you can’t make those decisions. So you have to have tools and technology that give you insights that would help you make much smarter decisions. So I think those are the kind of tools that I think we need to empower our marketing and sales team. So those are some foundational tools you’re gonna need. And then also tools that make them even more, you know, more empowered to make smarter decisions or make them more efficient in your job.
Saksham Sharda: So how do you measure the success of your growth efforts and use data to inform decision-making?
Samuel Thimothy: At the end of the day, it’s the number of you know, booked revenue, right? That’s the north star that you’re going for, but there are a lot of leading indicators that you also have to look at, right? The lag measure is of course gonna be, Hey, do we make sales or do we make generate revenue? And are we growing our current book of business? But regardless that there are other leading indicators that you need to study, right? So you have to make sure that, hey, is our trend, our traffic trending in the right direction? Are our conversion metrics trending in the right direction? Are our converted leads booking meetings at a certain percentage that we expect them to? Is those book meeting converting into opportunities at a certain percentage? How percentages opportunities do we tend to close? And where do we get stuck, right? And do we lose those opportunities because of our product offering or our positioning or our the way that we communicate it? Or is it because our personnel that is you know, attending those opportunities, they’re just not doing a great job? All of those are metrics, right? So we’ve implemented a tool called a voma which is a call intelligence or conversation intelligence platform. So the reason why we implemented that, both on the sales side and on the marketing side, we wanted to know, like we’re having, you know, since covid started, right? We have a lot more video conference conferencing calls, and we have a lot of conversations happening. We wanna know, well, how is this conversation going? What are the common topics that they bring up? What are the common tools that they mentioned? What are the common pain points that they brought up? And then are there any sort of commonalities that we see? And then where are most of our clients struggling? What are some of the common objections that they brought up? And in the service side, we also want to hear common frustrations and pain that they bring up about our service offering, or what are some of the things that, you know, made them super excited about working with our team and what are some of the happy moments that they’ve had with our account management team? So leveraging technology like that to really see it and implementing, you know, best practices and adapting, and then making sure our entire organization is trying to get better 1% every day. So those are some of the things that we’re implementing on our end to make sure we’re winning.
Saksham Sharda: So do you have some stories about experiences working with loyal clients and how you maintain long-term relationships with them?
Samuel Thimothy: Yeah, so we not only just preach, we do practice, right? Acquisition plus retention. So we spend a lot of energy making sure that our customers stick around. I think the stories that I have is, you know, we common, we commonly say we take companies from obscurity to market dominance. You know, what we’ve seen, I can just share with you. One example of a company is a Chicago-based beta chemical manufacturing company. Founder-led com organization probably was doing about 15 million in annual revenue, or maybe just somewhere around there. The senior leadership grow their company primarily through trade shows and traditional mediums and had a very strong book of business, but they were not known by anybody at all. So when we acquired them, we’ve established this, you know this plan that we’ve wanted to execute. We built the strategy for acquisition strategy for growth, and they became a very well-known brand in their industry very rapidly. And a massive publicly traded company with multiple billions in revenue, somehow took note of it because that company hasn’t been, the billion-dollar company, hasn’t been able to accomplish what this organization was able to do digitally building a strong brand and acquiring customers at a much rapid rate. So then they came and acquired. And that acquisition was just a journey that we saw where a company that was in obscurity, no one even knew that they existed in the south, outside of Chicago to a massive organization coming and acquiring them for very multiples that the owner was able to retire in Puerto Rico after that, right? So that would be just one example. So we’ve had a lot of boring industry customers that we work with, and we also have a lot of fast-growing SaaS companies that we worked with where they had to have a very because they had to create a lot of demand for their product cuz they’re trying to create awareness and demand while they’re also trying to build a product in a book of business, right? So we have to work in some of those scenarios as well. So yeah, those would be some stories that I would say come to mind.
Saksham Sharda: And do you think this kind of accelerated development is also gonna be happening faster and faster now that AI exists? Or in what ways have you seen AI being used?
Samuel Thimothy: We are starting to see AI disrupting a lot of different industries. I think if you asked my dad, you know, 15 years ago, if would he trust behind the steering wheel, the car to drive itself, he would say no. But he happily sits next to me when the car is autonomously driving. And he doesn’t question that it can happen today. Because he sees that cars can change, lanes, the car can keep a distance, the car can even break much better than a human being can, and can react a lot faster. So we’ve seen in industries that we thought could probably be yeah, you know, AI wouldn’t disrupt, right? Automotive industries and maybe even 15, 20 years ago, airplanes were already doing you know, co you know, autopilot, right? Just flying in the air with very minimal input from the air, you know, from the pilot. So we’ve seen industries like that where you thought it would never happen, it happened. And then I think the white collar industries where it’s gonna interrupt a lot more, I think this is an opportunity for us to leverage technology and AI, right? Like the, to disrupt some industries that are, that hasn’t changed in a long time, right? And then also leveraging this, as I said earlier, makes us more efficient, make us more productive, and leads us to solutions much faster than human brains can alone undo. So I do think there are a lot of changes to happen and definitely marketing industry is gonna be one of ’em for sure.
Saksham Sharda: Okay, so speaking of the car breaking down, how do you plan for contingencies and unforeseen events that may impact your company’s, you know, strategic direction?
Samuel Thimothy: Yeah, it’s a great question. So I think if you ask me before Covid, you know, this was never even a thought, right? Because you’re just like, Hey, you were in the moment you’re, you got great forecast on what’s happening based on prior year success and things like that. Then you have something like this where your complete shutdown, like your entire industry, just shut down. We’ve had customers that just literally had to lose everything that they had. We had one big company, which was it’s a hybrid platform. So the platform allowed them to do both, hybrid events and virtual events. But the virtual event product came about after the fact of Covid. So a disruption like that where the industry was completely disrupted, the company was built on an entire industry of live events, and their entire book of business was wiped out because everybody was calling the cancel. So no one can prepare for some sort of hardship like that. But if anything we’ve learned having gone through covid would be you need to learn to diversify as much as you can, right? Because you cannot have all your eggs in one basket. So you cannot be just servicing one market. You have to have more than one stream of revenue. So diversification was one of the big things that we thought we’ve done well early on. So we had a book of business of manufacturing companies and boring industries that have, you know, been very stable organizations that had established a book of customers and had revenue strong cash flow. All of those things have helped us to have customers that are loyal to us. Then we also had the other extreme where SaaS companies and other industries where we had customers had to just cancel our contracts and leave, and we were extremely lenient to our terms because we knew that the predicament that they were in, and we also want to be fair to people, right? And we also saw our vendors being very fair to us and where we had, to terminate our contracts and things of that nature. So if anything I can say is diversified, right? Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. And if you’re building products and oftentimes seeing like, hey, it does, can this product be useful for more than one application or more than one industry? Because we’ve seen industries where there were super narrow focused on hospitality, and then the hospitality just shut down. Then their business is literally of no use and no one wanted to buy their product or service. So diversify, right? I think that’s the best example. Financial industry professionals would tell you, right? Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Warren Buffet would probably tell you that in the stock space, and I would say the same in business as well, diversify yourself as much as you can, your risks.
Saksham Sharda: So what are some of the industries you think have a low barrier for entry that it’s easy to diversify into?
Samuel Thimothy: I think it all depends on the product or services that you offer. I think in the service industry, right? Your cost of billing something is very low, right? It’s either time or energy. And especially with the advent of, you know, chatGPT and other AI tools, you have a lot more opportunities, to experiment with product ideas. I just recently saw something built and sold a pro and a resume parsing and prioritizing tool built on chatGPT three and some simple codes and able to parse resumes at a much faster rate than any human being can. And then can tell the recruiter like, Hey, here are the top three resumes based on LinkedIn profile links, and based on their other social content plus their resume, here are the three candidates that you should interview. Like, those sort of, you know, simple products that you can easily build. I think there’s a lot of interruption disruption to happen, but I think you have to have, you gotta have your feet in something, right? You gotta have your hands in something to know where the pain is. Like, I’m in sales and marketing, so I see so many things that, there was a, recently I was on a LinkedIn chat threat I don’t know if you know Manny who founded Outreach.io. We were using outreach way back in the day early days when Manny was just a founder and was doing a demo. That’s when we bought outreach from the founder himself. And then I was just having conversations throughout on LinkedIn. I said, Hey, outreach should find out how to create if I just upload a list of LinkedIn profiles and company names and the first names Outreach should just be able to dissect all those information and based on my product descriptions and my product and a couple of pain points, be able to custom create, variations of emails and write a very personalized email at scale and sends that emails out. And he said, just stay tuned. And then he sent a recent update that outreach announced, that they’re gonna have an AI-driven email writing and sending feature in outreach. So, you know, so that, those are the kind of stuff that I think is gonna be coming about shortly. So I think we just have, we cannot be afraid of disruption. We just have, to adapt it.
Saksham Sharda: Well, it’s a swabbing to a more hypothetical future question. This one is a personal question for you. What would you be doing in your life, if not this right now?
Samuel Thimothy: I worked in the corporate world, man, I was a that was a boring job working probably. I just was an employee number. But I don’t know if I’ll continue with that, but that was the lot in life. But I’m glad that I’m not doing that though, cuz I think I’m so much more passionate about helping other organizations grow and scale and seeing a lot more of those things. So I would be doing something entrepreneurial, but I don’t know. It would, it could have been in the corporate world or it could be something on my own somewhere else.
Let’s Conclude!
Saksham Sharda: Okay. Well, that was the last question. Thanks, everyone for joining us for this month’s episode of Outgrows Marketer of the Month. That was Samuel Timothy, who’s the Chief Growth Officer at OneIMS. Thanks for joining us, Samuel.
Samuel Thimothy: Yeah, appreciate you having me. If I can just do a little plug. I do have two shows that I run. One is called Coffee with Closers, where I interview entrepreneurs and business leaders. I enjoy those conversations because it allows me to pick the brains of really smart people and then try to adopt some of their best winning strategies for myself and then also whoever listens. And then if there’s another show called Growth Marketers Podcast if anyone wants to learn about the Growth Formula framework or anything that we can do to help, it’s our website is oneims.com.
Saksham Sharda: Alright, so check out their website one IMS for more details and we’ll see you once again next month with another marketer of the month.