[Infographic] 12 Epic Christmas Promotion Ideas
“You better watch out. You better not cry. Better not pout. I’m telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town”. Christmas is here and so are the crazy holiday marketing techniques! However, this is not the time to fret. It’s time to hustle. The Outgrow Marketing Santa is here to help with some of the best Christmas promotion ideas.
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Some Bonus Tips
Oh, but that’s not all. Now that we have brought you this far, we’ll attempt to get you through the finish line. Here are some bonus tips that you can add to your holiday marketing campaign to tackle that holiday rush!
1) Send a Positive Message
As you must have noticed in the infographic, Johnson & Johnson spread the holiday cheer by partnering with charities and special causes. They launched a photo ad inviting viewers to “Donate a Photo” for charity. Taking initiatives like these will help you gain more attention for all the good reasons.
Take Coca-Cola’s Sharing Can Initiative for instance. In Europe, they offered people a chance to personalize their Coke bottles. Such marketing campaigns get you in the limelight immediately and help attract more customers. And most importantly, with such campaigns, you can spread a positive message that you care about your customers more than anything else.
2) Solve Customer Pain Points
Do extensive research on your target audience and analyze it. Target the problems that your customers are facing. And what can be a better holiday gift than providing a solution or two to someone’s problems? Fulfill their wants, if not their needs.
Gather information from their responses and personalize your services in order to recognize their pain points through interactive content. Look at this survey for example. You use it to learn more about your customers’ preferences and their thoughts about you. Moreover, you can use their responses to improve the customer experience as well as your future campaigns.
3) Cash Those Keywords
A lot of marketers forget to cover this aspect. It’s important to start ranking for the holiday keywords. People search a lot during the holidays – gift ideas, clothes, smartphones, and whatnot! And since they’re aware that promotions and offers are available everywhere during this time of the year, that’s what they eye. So, it’s best to target relevant holiday keywords and step up your SEO game.
You can go broad with your keyword targeting. Try various versions of the same keywords, think of what your target audience would search for.
4) Leverage Social Media
People love browsing through social media and they would do it the most when they have a lot of time in hand i.e. during the holidays! So, if you post 2 times a day, make it 4. If your stories talk about blogs, include holiday-themed blogs as well.
5) Offer Customized Discounts, Offers, and Coupon Codes
Special occasions call for special offers. Use your holiday marketing to create special Christmas and New Year discounts. Moreover, provide them gifts for every purchase they make. For example, provide a coupon code they can redeem later. As happy customers, they’ll likely buy more from your brand.
Share the discounts and offers on your social media organically, and through ads, if your budget allows. Just seeing the ‘discount’ or the ‘free’ word entices people to at least visit your website. This ultimately increases the chances of conversion.
6) Christmas Themed User Generated Content
User-Generated Content is content that your customers create for you. Yep, that’s free promotion with immense impact. It gives other customers a chance to look at the first-hand experience.
In 2014, Starbucks started the ‘Meet Me at Starbucks’ social media campaign. This marketing campaign gave customers the chance to win free coffee for a year in exchange for sharing their ‘How We Met’ story.
No-one wants salesy pitches during the holiday season. Give your customers a chance to express their experience in return for some value. For example, offer a 10% discount, or give free shipping. Make sure that sharing doesn’t come as a burden to your customers, rather as a fun task.
7) Holiday Themed Podcasts/Webinars
Your customers will already be in the holiday mood. Now, what they want from you is content that aligns with their thought process. Organize podcasts and webinars to talk about the holiday season. Anything that tributes to your services as well as the customer’s mindset is perfect.
Have a look(listen) at this Christmas shopping based episode called “How to Boost Your Marketing for the Upcoming Online Xmas Shopping Season” on our “Marketer of the Month” podcast. Podcasts like this boost the holiday feel and attract people to your website.
8) Personalize Your Content Marketing Strategy
Event-based marketing is the key to being relatable. Your audience wants you to be real to them, and writing relevant content does the job.
Create Christmas blogs for your holiday marketing. Boost social media content that pertains to Christmas campaigns. Make your content personalized and relatable.
9) Video Marketing
Videos have become a highly engaging medium of marketing. 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support. Create video content that helps your holiday marketing campaigns, and has the scope of improving leads. Make videos an essential part of your marketing, and enhance your Christmas promotion ideas.
10) Influencer Marketing
One of the most creative Christmas campaign ideas is to collaborate with Instagram influencers who complement your brand. These influencers can promote your deals and products via Instagram Stories, and share a discount code with the viewers. Influencers offer a nice change from all the salesy posts and can make your promotions more appealing.
In 2019, Calvin Klein organized a party in New York and invited Instagram influencers and celebrities to join the event. All the influencers were wearing CK’s clothes. That increased brand awareness manifold. Their pictures were then shared by influencers and Calvin Klein’s official page. CK has always partnered with influencers to reach their target audience, and this was just another successful attempt at Christmas promotion ideas.
And that was all our tips and strategies to boost your Christmas promotion this year! Still curious? Read more about holiday marketing in this insightful article.