Pop-up Style Embed

What is a Pop-up Style Embed?

The pop-up style embedded, as the name suggests, opens the Outgrow content piece like quizzes, calculators, surveys, etc. on a website as a pop-up. Pop-ups have an average conversion rate of 9.28% but some can go as high as 50.2%! The upward benefit is a lot and so, strategically placed pop-ups have the potential to drive massive results.

Outgrow content pieces can be embedded in the pop-up style on web pages, blogs, and landing pages.

Here is an example you can look at…….

Advanced Features

The pop-up embed offered by Outgrow can be embedded in multiple ways –

1. The first is a Classic embed. In this, the pop-up appears as a standard lightbox pop-up when triggered. 

2. The second is a Drawer embed. This allows the pop-up to be drawn from the left or the right side of the screen. 

3. The third is a Timed and Exit Intent-popup. In the case of a pop-up embed, you can toggle on the feature for the timed & exit intent pop up. An important feature to note here is that in the case of the timed pop-up you can set after how many seconds/minutes the pop will appear. While in the case of exit intent, the popup is triggered automatically when the user is about to close the tab.

4. Moreover, you can change the trigger button appearance which includes changing the text of the trigger button, border curvature, text colour, etc.

When Should You Use Pop-up Style Embed?

1. Popup style embeds are useful when you want to show something that may not be directly related to the main content. For example, you can place a newsletter subscription popup on your blog page. 

2. These are also used when the content pieces are short in terms of the number of questions – say, a poll, a survey or a quick quiz, and you quickly want to attract, engage, or collect leads.

3. Popup embeds are a great addition if you wish to gamify the user experience. Simply asking to participate in a giveaway is no fun, but setting up a pop-up style giveaway on the webpage gamifies the entire experience, making it more conversion optimized. 

4. Timed pop-ups can be a great way to engage viewers after they have spent some amount of time on your blog or landing page. You can use popups like these to retain prospects who are genuinely interested in your offering. Just offer a fun recommendations quiz or a discount coupon and direct them to your product or any other page according to your goal.

Tip: Use Google Analytics to check the average time users spend on your certain page and set your timed pop-up accordingly. 

5. Reducing bounce rates can be tough. But, with exit-intent pop-ups, you can increase the chance of a prospect staying back by offering them something valuable. So, if you are experiencing high bounce rates, give this popup style a try. 

How to Get a Pop-up Style Embed of an Outgrow Content Piece?

Step 1

Sign up and create an experience on Outgrow.

Step 2

Head over to the Configure tab on the builder.

Step 3

Click on the option – “Embed on a Webpage” in the bottom left section.

Step 4

Select the option – “Pop-up” embed and grab the code that appears as you scroll down.

Step 5

Finally, paste this code wherever you want your embed to be displayed.

Embed CTA