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Different Types of Survey Questions You Need to Try Today [+Templates]

If you want to know your customer’s opinions and needs, what’s the best way to do that? Market research and competitor analysis? We say simply ask the customer! Understanding your customers is an important part of running a business. And, surveys are made just for that. Today, we’ll tell you how you can use different types of survey questions to get real-time reviews from customers and create the best survey ever. So, let’s get started?

Various Types of Survey Questions

Okay, we are here to the main course. This is going to be an extensive meal of different types of survey questions. Get your forks and spoons ready!

1. Multiple-Choice Questions

Multiple-choice questions are the most common type of survey questions. They are detailed, to the point, and require minimal effort from the audience. You can use multiple choice questions when you have some predetermined answers that you want your audience to choose from. 

These types of questions can be used in market research surveys.

Multiple-Choice Questions Examples:

multiple-choice questions

multiple-choice questions

multiple-choice questions

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2. Image Choice Questions

Images are more engaging than textual content. Bring them into your survey questions and make your survey more interactive. Images can be used to bring emotion to the questions. And moreover, the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. Your prospects will see the images before they see the question. And, you get all the attention you need.

In fact, survey makers like Outgrow don’t just let you add images but also more interactive visual elements like GIFs and videos.

Image Choice Questions Examples:

types of survey questions

image choice questions

image choice questions

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3. Likert Scale Questions

Likert scales can be a great way to learn how your audience feels about something. You can also use these types of questions to learn about their experience. A good feedback survey will definitely contain a Likert scale question.

Likert Scale Questions Examples:

likert scale questions

likert scale questions

4. Rating Scale Questions 

As the name suggests, rating scale questions are used to give your audience a chance to rate you. Interactive content like surveys use rating scales to receive feedback. They are easy to use and you can learn where you stand. 

Rating Scale Questions Examples:

types of survey questions

rating scale questions

rating scale questions

5. Dropdown Questions

Dropdown questions are an alternative to multiple-choice questions. The difference between the two is that with multiple-choice questions, you see all the options at once whereas, with dropdown questions, you have to open a window to see them. 

Dropdown Question Example:

dropdown questions

dropdown questions

6. Ranking Questions

Ranking questions ask the user to rank various items based on their preference/experience. You can use these questions to understand your strengths and weaknesses. This can help you improve your offerings and services.

Ranking Questions Example:

types of survey questions

7. Slider Questions

Slider questions might sound a lot like rating scale questions but they can be used for bigger numerical values. These questions are great for collecting numerical data from your audience and can be used in shopper insights surveys.

Slider Questions Example:

slider questions

8. Open-Ended/Text Input Questions

These questions are meant to start conversations. Open-ended questions can form a significant part of some surveys but must be used wisely. Too many open-ended questions can make the survey boring and tedious. Hence, use them only when necessary.

Open-Ended Questions Examples:

open ended questions

types of survey questions

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9. Date/Time Picker Questions 

These types of questions let the users pick a date and time. You can use these questions to gather personal information or to pick a suitable date for organizing an event or meeting.

Date/Time Picker Questions Example:

date/time picker questions

10. File Upload Questions

Sometimes, you may need to collect the user’s details such as a resume, headshot, ID, or any other document. For such requirements, you can use file upload questions. 

File Upload Questions Example:

types of survey questions

11. Demographic Questions

When your questions aim to get further personal information about the user, you should go for demographic questions. You can use these questions to segment users on the basis of certain criteria such as age, gender, occupation, income, marital status, etc. 

Demographic Questions Example:

types of survey questions

You can also use demographic questions to understand your target audience. Use this customer demographics survey to understand better.

demographic questions

Tips and Tricks for Creating Survey Questions

We know that you might be all full with the main course, but you definitely need these dessert tips. While there are some generic ingredients that we add to the process of making a survey, your question-recipe should align with the taste of your customers. So, we have got you some tips and tricks to make some really good survey questions! 

types of survey questions

1. Make Answering Easy for Your Audience

No one has the time to write a 1000 word essay (unless of course it’s us; we are literally doing it right now). Your customers want the process smooth and quick. And for that, you need to do the maximum work yourself. 

The type of survey questions you create should be answerable in seconds. Moreover, make sure that your audience is well-equipped with the question idea. If the user isn’t informed enough about the questions, make sure to provide some details through features like an i-button, or else they may choose to skip your survey.

2. Use Mobile-Friendly Questions

Not everyone’s gonna use a PC to take your survey. Make sure that your survey is designed in a way that it can be answered on all devices. A mobile-friendly survey should look attractive and clean. A cluttered survey with questions and answer options on different pages is not what your audience wants.

Surveys like health and fitness surveys are mostly taken on mobile devices these days. And, at Outgrow, you can create surveys that are accessible on both PC and mobile devices. We like to be one step ahead. Have a look at this diet and exercise survey in both formats!

types of survey questions

3. Be Precise and to the Point

Ask them what you want to know. You have to be clear and straightforward when it comes to making survey questions. If you keep beating around the bush, you won’t get the answers you are looking for. With precise questions, you might be able to get more responses and hence, better lead generation.

4. Make Sure One Question = One Idea

Don’t go around asking multiple things with one question. Every question should serve its own purpose. When you want customer insights, you need to make sure they understand what you are asking. One question-one idea supports that.

5. Use a Progress Bar

It feels good to know how far you are in your journey. Make sure your audience sees their progress at every step of the way. And survey makers like Outgrow give you the option to add a progress bar like so.

progress bar

6. Determine the Length of Your Survey

The new era of social media has reduced the modern user’s attention span. Content is everywhere and people are more selective than ever before. Why would they want to sit for a long survey if they can just watch another reel? 

Make sure the length of your survey is ideal – 10 questions or less fetch high completion rates. Also, don’t use one survey to ask everything.

7. Have a Clear Objective in Mind

You need to know why you are doing the survey. Without a purpose, you might get answers but they won’t make any sense. Defining an objective will help you better understand what your audience thinks of you and the measures you would need to improve your brand.


We have told you all about the different types of survey questions. And now it’s up to you to personalize them based on your requirements. Remember that your ultimate goal is to make sure the user finds your survey relevant and sticks till the end.

So, now that you know all about the different types of survey questions, it’s time for you to use that knowledge to create your own survey. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to create your first survey! Start your free trial now!


Yes-no questions are referred to as dichotomous questions. These types of questions are used to determine whether or not people agree with a certain belief or concept. 

Subjective questions are more or less open-ended questions. Your audience can provide their opinion on something in the form of text input.

Surveys are used to gather information about your target audience. This information contains their opinion, choices, feedback, personal information, etc. This information can be used by individuals or brands to improve their performance or offerings. The data collected can also be used to segment and target the audience.

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