Kissmetrics Infographic | How Kissmetrics SEO Gets Traffic of $16.4M Free

Kissmetrics Infographic | How Kissmetrics SEO Gets Traffic of $16.4M Free

Kissmetrics Infographic | How Kissmetrics SEO Gets Traffic of $16.4M Free The top two things on any marketer’s mind are getting more traffic and generating more leads. At the same time, these are the biggest challenges marketers face. According to Hubspot, 65% of marketers still rate driving traffic as the biggest inbound marketing challenge. But what…

Don’t Be Afraid to Show Personality in Your B2B Emails

Don’t Be Afraid to Show Personality in Your B2B Emails

Don’t Be Afraid to Show Personality in Your B2B Emails Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. You spend all day listening to sales reps on the phone and sifting through dry emails. The buzzwords-per-minute ratio is off the charts. Don’t add another soulless message to this pile. While B2B purchase decisions are more strategic than…

4 Inspiring Growth-Hacking Stories

4 Inspiring Growth-Hacking Stories

4 Inspiring Growth Hacking Examples If you’re trying to master growth hacking to get more business, you’re not alone. Tons of companies are using innovative ways to increase their customer base quickly. In fact, growth-hacking expert Ryan Holiday believes that about 20 percent of all marketers have a growth-hacking mindset. If you’re looking for some inspiration…

14 Unique Content Marketing Hacks from Experts

14 Unique Content Marketing Hacks from Experts

14 Unique Content Marketing Hacks from Experts If you are like 70% of other content marketers, you are probably not getting the desired ROI from your content marketing. You are spending time and effort, but not seeing leads pouring in. Well, you are competing with the big content marketing giants and experts who have crowded out the…

5 Marketing Agency Calculator Ideas to Make Your Agency Stand Out

5 Marketing Agency Calculator Ideas to Make Your Agency Stand Out

5 Marketing Agency Calculator Ideas to Make Your Agency Stand Out “A lot of marketing agencies today sell digital but are not digital themselves.” Their websites are bland and lack interactivity. They may have well-written blog posts and downloadable ebooks but in times where interactive content is driving 70% more conversions, these are not enough. Many…

7 Interactive Calculators Every College/University Needs on Its Website

7 Interactive Calculators Every College/University Needs on Its Website

7 Interactive Calculators Every College/University Needs on Its Website Higher education marketers spend a lot of time perfecting various strategies to engage audiences and create interests in their schools. Generating leads, however, often takes a back seat. Keeping this in view, we bring to you a list of 7 must-have lead generation interactive calculators for colleges/universities that…

10 Reasons Why You Need to Ditch Static Landing Pages for Interactive Calculators!

10 Reasons Why You Need to Ditch Static Landing Pages for Interactive Calculators!

10 Reasons Why You Need to Ditch Static Landing Pages for Interactive Calculators! A good landing page gets low conversion, usually in the range of 0-12% (with an average of about 2.35%). To increase conversion rate, it requires a lot of “conversion hacking” which sometimes takes your user experience over to the dark side. Think clickbait…

How VenturePact Got 87k+ Leads & 41% Conversion With Outgrow Interactive Calculator

How VenturePact Got 87k+ Leads & 41% Conversion With Outgrow Interactive Calculator

How VenturePact Got 87k+ Leads & 41% Conversion With Outgrow Interactive Calculator VenturePact, a software development marketplace, looked to accelerate growth in a competitive landscape. After exhausting classic inbound strategies, VenturePact partnered with Outgrow to build a calculator that helps its users estimate the cost of building an app. Within 2 weeks of launching, the…