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Outgrow Product Update for May: Custom Domain Publish, Privacy Updates, Access to Interesting Content from Within App

Last time it was the downloadable gifs, exit intent pop up, Facebook sign in – what’s it going to be this time? Yes! We just made the latest Outgrow product update live. Let’s give you a quick run through of all the awesome features that are in store for you as part of release 3.4.

General CTA

1. Publish your Experience on a Custom Domain

Want to publish your calculators and quizzes directly to a domain instead of embedding it? Consider it done!

Thanks to our new feature, you can now directly publish your interactive experiences on a custom domain from within the builder. You’ll find this option under the ‘Go Live’ dropdown on the top right side of the editor (see the screenshot below).

outgrow product update

If you haven’t already connected a custom domain, you can click on the text that reads “CLICK HERE to add a domain”. Then you’ll be redirected to the custom domain settings page.

outgrow product update

2. Personal Lead Data to be Automatically Deleted

If you have Marketo and Webhook integrations running and have some lead data from your experiences showing under analytics, you have the option of getting those leads deleted from the Outgrow app.

We’ve added an option in the Admin section, which when turned on, will blur the leads from Outgrow analytics table. However, these leads will continue to show in Marketo and Webhook pages. 

To access this feature, you simply need to reach out to the Outgrow team (via the chat box on the bottom right of the app or via email) and we’ll turn the option on for you from the back end. This feature has been introduced keeping in mind the recent GDPR updates. It’s your data, so the power to privacy lies in your hands!

outgrow product update

3. Access Interesting Content from Within the App

Creating content around trending events and holidays is a great way to grab those extra eyeballs. Take this Buzzfeed quiz built around the MET Gala 2018. It’s making people go ga-ga! It already has about 100 likes, 4 shares, and 20 comments in less than 8 hours. Now, one way to do this is look up on Google every time you want to start a campaign. But how about we give you an easy way out? We’re talking about Outgrow trending experiences and the events calendar.

When you log into the Outgrow app, you’ll see more than just awesome interactive experiences. We’ve added sections to display trending quizzes and the monthly events calendar on the app dashboard – some awesome resources for superhero marketers! Pick and replicate a trending quiz to create a viral experience within minutes, or check the calendar for the next big event to create a quiz/calculator around.


From going the extra mile for data privacy and giving you access to resourceful content within the app, we’ve kept you at the center of this update. And we’re working on more! Have suggestions? Hit us up in the comments section below. Like what you see? Signup to try the new features now!

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