How Much Should You Spend on Social Media Marketing?
This is the first episode of a weekly series. We’ll be sharing examples of interactive content. This can help businesses drive traffic, generate leads, engage prospects, and build relationships with customers. Here we show you how to decide how much to spend on social media marketing.
Whether you sell books or bicycles or you deal in physical products. Whether you deal with software or services, social media is a key component of your marketing strategy. Social media plays a key role in attracting traffic and converting traffic into leads. It also helps in engaging those customers. These customers will become advocates for your business. Despite its importance, many of us are not clear on how much should we spend on social media marketing. Fortunately, this calculator may help you with that.
Based on original research done by The CMO Survey, this simple 4-step calculator will let you know exactly how you can dip your toe into the ocean that is social media marketing. Let’s get started.
What strategies do you suggest for a newbie to social media marketing? Sound off in the comments below.