How to Use Google Trends for Content Marketing? [+Real-time Reviews]
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If you are a content marketer who hasn’t explored Google Trends yet, you’ve got to read this blog! And, trust us, using Google Trends for content marketing will become your new favorite marketing strategy by the end of it.
Content marketing stands firm at the root of marketing and you just can’t skip it. Moreover, not skipping isn’t enough. You have to ace it. Your content tells the most about your brand after your products and services. So, it’s only obvious that you need to plan your content wisely. And, we are here to help you organize your content with one of the best tools there is.
Google Trends!
Let’s begin!
What Is Google Trends?
Google Trends is a tool that gives insights into the top search queries on Google. This tool provides data around the search volume of keywords with respect to frequency of searches, interest over time, and most active geographic locations. Basically, it’s a kickass way to power through content marketing!
Ways to Use Google Trends for Content Marketing
Let’s get to the point. Here are 12 actionable ways to use Google Trends for content marketing:
1. Create Unique/Viral Interactive Content
Most trending topics at all times involve questions. And Google Trends helps you discover such questions. You can use this opportunity to answer them with a hint of personalization and provide value to your target audience.
Now, you can either pick these trending questions and create a long blog post around them (might put the audience to sleep!).
You can create engaging interactive content to provide real-time solutions to your audience. Interactive content, unlike traditional content, promotes two-way interaction between the audience and your content. New to the concept of interactive content? Here’s a beginner’s guide for a swift start!
Now that you’re aware of the vast scope of interactive content, you can choose from a variety of content types such as quizzes, calculators, eCommerce recommendations, etc. to address your audience’s pain points.
For example, if a query around car purchases is trending, you can use the opportunity to create a quiz like this.
Or how about a calculator like “How much do you save by buying a Tesla”? Tools like these will get all their doubts answered in minutes (and generate leads for your business as well!).
We’ve got a ton of other premade templates that you can use for your industry. Try them out here!
Want to know how to create such engaging content pieces? Click below!
2. Find Trending Topics That Are Relevant to You
When you create content, you need to make sure that it adds value to your audience. However, coming up with relevant and fresh content all the time can get hard. With Google Trends, you can discover content ideas that are trending and are relevant to your audience. Simply enter a broad topic in the search bar and you’ll be shown a list of content ideas that are relevant to you.
Producing topical content consistently will not only bring you visitors but also help you retain them! And Google Trends will help you make sure your content marketing strategies are uptight!
3. Enhance Your Content Repository
Since Google Trends gives you a graph for the performance of keywords or keyphrases over time, you can easily plan future content. To be honest, the future of content marketing is the prediction of the type of content that’ll work. And, Google Trends lets you do that.
You can take note of the keywords whose graph is moving upwards and create content around them. You can even maintain a repository of such keywords in advance. If a keyword is trending downwards, you can shift your content resources to another topic.
4. Investigate Changes to Your Site Traffic
There might be instances where you see a sudden change in your site traffic but aren’t able to filter the cause. Google Trends comes to the rescue. You can check whether the decline is applicable to everyone targeting a certain topic or not. If there is a drop on Google Trends, you’ve found your cause, i.e. it’s an industry-wide issue. If it isn’t the case, you need to analyze your website for changes.
5. Improve Your Keyword Research
It goes without saying that a good piece of content won’t be of any use until and unless it has been optimized for SEO. And to make sure that your content actually brings you the results you need, you need to do proper research before curating it.
Using Google Trends, you can research for the right keywords and create content that focuses on them. And when you do that, traffic, my friend, is gonna come looking for you!
6. Refine Your Branding Efforts
You can review how your brand is looking out there. If you are just starting off, you won’t be able to leverage this feature as of now. But, if you think you are growing, you can check how your brand name is performing.
Look at this, for example. We searched for “Outgrow” on Google Trends. Now, outgrow is a general word that can be searched for other reasons too, so the graph looks pretty good.
But, to see whether it’s performing for us or not, we checked the related queries section. Well, you can see us at the top. Moreover, the search volume for ‘outgrow quiz’ is 400% higher! Guess we are doing our job decently. :p
Also, note that if your brand name isn’t performing well as per Google Trends, you can start creating more branded content. This will help you rank better.
7. Observe Long Period Trends
One of the best things about Google Trends is that you can go back in time. Not literally, lol. But, you can see which keywords have been performing well constantly for a long period of time. It’s always a good idea to leverage such keywords.
Now, maybe you wrote a blog three years ago for a then trending keyword. But currently, that keyword has low search volume. You can now look for keywords that might have replaced it. And then repurpose your content based on it.
8. Plan Publishing Schedule
You can observe how a keyword performs across different days of the week. You can then schedule your content to go live on the better-performing days. This will increase your reach and hopefully boost your conversions. Google Trends’ predictions are hardly wrong.
9. Use the Related Queries Feature
Using the related queries feature on Google Trends for content marketing can help you get ahead of your competitors. You can observe what else your audience is searching for. You can also check what your competitors’ audience might be looking for. This way you can boost your content based on the audience’s needs.
10. Work on the Rising Queries
When you go to the related queries section, you also have an option to look at the related queries that are on the way to steal the limelight. For example, just after Facebook changed its name to Meta, this is how the rising queries section looked for the keyword ‘facebook’.
You can use these stats to create content on rising keywords that are bound to perform better.
11. Find Social Media Hashtags
You know what we’re talking about, don’t you! Social media hashtags need to be ‘trending’ and Google Trends is the best place to catch you up on those trends. You just need to make sure you are being relevant and your reach will boost instantly!
12. Create Seasonal Advertising Campaigns
You can research the performance of different campaigns during different seasons and then create seasonal campaigns. What might work during the holiday season might not work otherwise. Use Google Trends to figure out your content calendar for different festivals.
Final Words
So, using Google Trends for content marketing seems like a smart deal to us and many other marketers whose opinions we shared with you. Are you willing to try it out? Honestly, go for it!
And what’s a better way to start other than going interactive! Google Trends and interactive content make for a power-packed combo! So, create your first free content piece with Outgrow now! Start your free trial!