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Top Performing Lead Magnets For Boosting Lead Generation 

Lead generation is a greater challenge than what it used to be. Fewer people are ready to part with their email information now. And at least not until you offer them something of real value. This is where lead magnets come into the conversation. And what’s more, even traditional lead magnets don’t do the trick anymore. Content is evolving, and with that the need for it. Before we move on to why and how you should use lead magnets for lead generation, let’s start with what lead magnets are.

General CTA

A lead magnet is a content that offers immediate value to the user in exchange for their contact information. It should invite repeated usage and should be regularly updated. And now, more than ever we need more dynamic lead magnets. Lead magnets initiate interaction with a potential lead and build trust in you as a company. Research shows that using good lead magnets for lead generation can increase the opt-in rate can rise almost by 85%. So further below, we’ll talk about 12 examples of lead magnets that are complete game-changers in the world of marketing. Ready, set, lead!

1. Interactive Calculators 

This one’s our personal favorite, which is why it’s at the top! Calculators have been a boon to every kid who was bad at math. And now to marketers too!

Calculators are a great lead magnet for lead generation. They add value to your leads in exchange for their contact information. They help users to solve complicated equations, for example, a standard deviation calculator, and evaluate their standing in a particular scenario. For example, suppose you are an online marketplace for cars. You can embed a calculator on your website through which your users can determine the apt selling price for their cars without even logging into a website.

Interactive Calculators 

This would improve their experience on your website and increase the chances of a second visit. For this kind of value-based information, a user would happily part with their contact information.

Let us have a look at a case study here with real-time statistics to tell you further why calculators are the answer.

Sisu is a real estate and mortgage sales dashboard that simplifies the tracking of sales metrics, provide critical analysis of those numbers, and gamify the real estate and mortgage sales experience. They used Outgrow interactive content and increased their lead generation by 200%! Sisu used Outgrow to create a calculator to calculate the pricing for the client depending upon how big or small the team is.

Top Performing Lead Magnets For Boosting Lead Generation 

2. E-Books

E-books are super convenient and super handy. But how are they as lead magnets? E-books don’t usually attract a lot of leads if they are just a bunch of blogs put together. But when done well, they can be a brilliant way to collect leads.

E-books can be a valuable asset to a site and are a great way to make your users’ lives easier. You can use e-books to start a series on a particular subject or create independent e-books too. E-books are great because you can access them from all your devices, carry them anywhere, and read then under your blanket! For example, if you were a dietician, you can create several e-books on nutrition, functional foods, exercises, etc.

E-books should be detail-oriented. It should offer some kind of value to the customer.  You can increase the value of e-books by including testimonials, checklists, interviews, etc. It provides some degree of credibility to the content in your e-book. You can also include pictures, charts, infographics. It is needless to say that most readers enjoy a visual every once in a while and the same goes for e-books. And finally, make it conversational. Nobody likes a monologue, maybe except Shakespeare. So try to make your e-book fun, interactive, and informative.

3. Assessments

Assessments are a great interactive content type in which you provide scores based on how users answer questions. They are a fun and useful way of educating your users. You can give them a lot of information about your product through these quizzes without making them read a hundred blogs.

With assessments, users have the fun of knowing where they stand vis-a-vis other users. This directly increases the social proof of your lead magnet. Assessments are very useful, especially for educational institutions. For example, suppose you are a company that provides digital marketing services. You can create an assessment quiz that allows users to test their SEO ranking, or how optimized their marketing strategy is. And furthermore, you can offer different discount coupons to users based on their scores! This is a great incentive for users to take the assessment and provide their contact information.


Here’s a case study by Outgrow to show you why assessments are as great as we say they are.

GPYP (Get Paid For Your Pad) created an assessment using Outgrow called ‘How does your AirBnB listing rank in terms of quality and conversion?’. Get Paid for Your Pad (GPYP) helps property owners become expert AirBnB hosts so they can maximize their returns. Using this assessment, they were able to score an increase in their conversion rate of a whopping 41%. And thus they scored 800+ leads!

Top Performing Lead Magnets For Boosting Lead Generation 

4. Quizzes

We know we said that calculators are our personal favorite lead magnet, but quizzes come at a close second, we promise! Quizzes are one of the most effective media for generating leads. In fact, studies say that almost 96% of users who start a Buzzfeed quiz finish them. Beyond how popular they are, quizzes are also a great way to gather information on your audience or to educate them on particular aspects of your product/service.

For example, if you were a music platform, you could create a quiz for ‘Which 90s pop song are you?’. Users are very interested in this kind of personalized content and will be more than willing to give up contact information for the same.

Futrli is a company that helps small businesses make decisions about their future. In this Outcome Quiz by Outgrow, Futrli helps the user decide which kind of product would be best for them. This experience delivered a conversion rate of almost 85%, converting a great number of leads for the company.

Top Performing Lead Magnets For Boosting Lead Generation 

5. Infographics

Infographics are visual representations of data and information that aim to present information precisely and clearly. They are a convenient way of presenting information and users find it very handy. Almost 65% of users prefer visual content and infographics definitely stand out!

Infographics are persuasive and eye-catching. They’re easy to track and analyze and really boost your SEO. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t use them. Let us present you with a real-life case presented by Neil Patel himself about why infographics are a real piece of art.



This infographic by Copyblogger generated over 263000 social shares which is a massive number! Grammatical errors are a very common thing and hard to ignore. So why did this content gain such popularity? It was because of the infographic form that appealed to the young eye. Copyblogger was smart. Instead of creating another blog post, they decided to create a professional, data-driven, and highly valuable infographic.

6. Case Studies

Do you know the biggest reason why case studies are a great lead magnet? Because they provide you with social proof. Case studies are living testimony of the fact that someone actually found your product useful. Case studies build your authenticity and trust in front of a prospective audience. They are a great lead magnet since they indicate a user is aware of a problem and is actively seeking out a solution.

People like to read about what has worked for others in getting results and how they accomplished it, step-by-step. It is one of the biggest factors that help them determine whether they want to use your product or not. Before investing in anything, leads usually research about companies and their competitors. Having case studies on you can really help them make a decision in your direction. Especially for leads that are at the bottom of the funnel. Here’s an example of a good case study by Outgrow. It talks about the client in question, the problems they were facing, and how Outgrow came up as a solution.

Top Performing Lead Magnets For Boosting Lead Generation 


7. Checklists 

Have you ever felt the happiness of ‘checking-off’ a to-do list at the end of the day? The sheer sense of accomplishment? Well, no wonder checklists serve as such great lead magnets. They convert everything that the reader needs to know into one actionable checklist. And what’s better is that they’re super easy and quick to create.


Check out The Ultimate Webinar Checklist by Hubspot. This checklist is practical, precise and informative. It informs you about everything you need to watch out for, from pre- to post-webinar.

8. Webinar

We all know what webinars are. Let’s focus on why they’re so great! Webinars are live, data-driven events that encourage people to register. Webinars solve real-time queries and offer a lot of information in very little time. Make sure you hold webinars on relevant topics. It is better advised to hold them with partners. It develops better communication within the webinar and acts as a trust factor for the consumers.


According to ON24, the average conversion rate of their webinar is 55%. This also makes the participants more prone to taking part in polls, surveys, etc.


9. Surveys

Surveys are one of the best ways of generating leads. People love voicing their opinions and giving feedback. And surveys are a great type of content for gathering a lot of data in a few seconds. They receive a huge amount of social engagement. And moreover, they are great for capturing email addresses.

This comfort zone calculator uses a 3-step survey to generate the results for the user. This calculator by Marcus Taylor measures the comfort zone of people and encourages them to move outside it. Almost 24000 people have measured their comfort zone since then. And it was found that almost 84.3% of people who entered the survey were willing to give their email addresses in exchange for their comfort zone measurement.


10. Free Trials

Who doesn’t like free stuff? If you just said no, tell that to the last hoard of free shampoo from your last visit to a hotel! And as for trials, we’re sure you never buy a car without taking it for a test drive, right? Jam the two together and we have a great PB&J – a free trial. Free trials and referral programs are a blessing before making an investment. Free trials actually allow you to know if the product is what you think it is. It tells you whether it’s the right fit for you or not.

And what’s more important is, when you’re offering something for free, don’t hide it! Tell them loud and clear that it’s completely free and they won’t have to pay a penny for it. In this case, Sim 3 changed its landing page from the first picture to the second. And guess what happened? They ended up increasing their conversions by a whopping 128%!



11. Referral Programs

If you watch a great show on Netflix, you are more than likely to recommend it to your best friend. Referral programs work with the same hope. Companies today use referral programs effectively and optimize them with great incentives. It could be a discount, a coupon, some wallet cash, or anything else. Referral programs not only allow you to do things with your friends but also gain some benefit out of it.

Let’s show you how Dropbox got almost 4 million users in just 15 months. Dropbox simply built a referral program into their onboarding process. ReferralCandy reports that in April 2010, DropBox users sent out 2.8 million direct referral invites. And they ended up permanently increasing their sign-ups by 60%. And what’s more, today there are 200 million users for Dropbox, and their referral program is still working well! The free users got 2 GB of space for free and for every friend they recommended, they got 500 MB of additional space as well!


12. Giveaways

Everybody loves winning prizes! And what’s the harm in giving out your email address in the hope of winning the new iPhone X? It’s as simple as that. Giveaways have turned out to be one of the biggest ways of earning leads and for very little. If you don’t believe us, try offering a Prince Charming in exchange for attending a little party? Or a trip to the chocolate factory in exchange for a golden ticket? You’ll get all the sign-ups you need!

Lead Pages

Let’s tell you about the case of Bryan Harris from VideoFruit who ran his giveaway content for 10 days.  He offered to give away a $3000 LeadPages Subscription for 10 years! His main purpose was to increase his email list subscribers and he ended up getting 2239 sign ups! Thus, giveaways and contests are the A1 lead magnets for lead generation!

Final Words

So these were 12 great lead magnets that we’ve used and seen that have been a boon in boosting lead generation. We’re sure there are a lot more but these are the few that we just had to recommend to you. Lead magnets are the quick fixes to your cold and cough and low lead generation rates. So try them out ASAP and tell us what you think of them. Don’t wait to reach out to us!

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